Thursday, December 25, 2008

On Corruption!

Recently, you may read stories about Police raiding sub-Registrar's office in order to detect and book corruption cases. The rule book says that Police should not enter one Govt. office without the permission of the Head of office. But anti-corruption Police has the powers to enter and seige the Govt. offices on their own will and pleasure. What happens when they just seige the office, close the entire doors and check raid the premises. The parties coming on that day will be more harassed and they will be keeping their fingers crossed when their work would be completed, and when they should come again. This does not mean that I am supporting corruption. But what people say about this. Nobody on earth would dare say that corruption would be under check on account of these raids and seiges. Even in the office where the raid was made, the moment Police left the place there will be sympathy wave for the officers involved and they will be supported including monetarily.

The Govt. machinery is a very rotten and damaged one. But the Govt. is trying to show us, by these actions, that only such and such bolt or nut was the defective one and that they have removed it in order to make the machinery acceptable and reliable.

What are the basis for corruption in sub-registrar's office.

1. Valuation. In olden days people won't go to govt. office. They will write a document either on paper or on palm-leaf that particular piece of landed or any immovable property owned by such and such person has been handed over to such and such person for the consideration of such and such money. That was all there is to it. The British Govt. made them come to Govt. office, write it in a paper and assured them governmental support and levied stamp fees. At first the original consideration amount was taken as the value of the land. When both parties agree, they found the money spent on registration is waste and they quote very lesser amount as value. Then came the guide lines value. The guide line value will be much lesser than the actual consideration amount. So the claimants first enquire about the guide line value and write document for that value. That is the starting point of the corruption. Then why the guideline value is low. The reasons: 1. It would be lesser costlier when the govt. wants to acquire. 2. To make people register their documents otherwise all sales will be oral or unregistered. The officials know that the consideration amount is higher than the value shown in the document, and bargains start there.

2. Writing Document. There are govt. licensed document writers. Certain amount is fixed for their service. But that remains only in paper. These document writers have become the 'official' brokers for bribes. They demand 1,000/- to 5,000/- for writing a sale document. For brokerage a well thought out plan is evolved. From sub-registrar down to the peon everybody gets money. The sub-registrar's office percentage: a) For mamools to Dist. Registrar, DIG, cursory, surprise and annual inspections .. 10%. (b) For union and other donations and greasing the palm of whistle blowers petition writers .. 7% (c) to sub-registrar, to headclerk other clerks, attendars and peons they divide it. Even the anti-corruption wing gets it share to meet out their expenditure!

3. Other work: In olden days sub-registrar should not stir out of his office. A court like dias was provided to sub-registrar. Now sec. 47-A makes them go out and receive money. This is about registration of buildings partly buildings etc. The theory adopted here, Either you (claimant) should eat or I (Govt. official) should eat; Why unnecessarily govt. should get to eat? For issuing of encumberance, registering marriage, and issuance of other certificates. There is broker. You need not worry about it. By the word 'Encumberance' you should not take dictionary meaning. Here it means registrations made on the particular property for the period you ask for provided the computer has memorized that. If you ask for EC from 10th. On 9th the owner of the property might have got a huge loan amont on the property and it won't be mentioned in your EC.

So, when the corruption is planned in such a way, nothing to be bothered. The non-official viz. the document writer takes the money from you. Only some foolish sub-registrars or who have not sent mamools would be caught.

Therefore the root cause of corruption must be found out in order to control it.

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